"What IT Factor Academy teaches is really easy to follow, it's to the point and very practical. You will receive very clear tools and input on how to improve the results of your hiring strategy. Next to this I enjoy the communication and support. This helps to implement things faster. I am very satisfied about the results at this point."
Peter Buyse
VP HR & Learning at Compusoft
"Marlies is an entrepreneurial and driven professional that has successfully helped us with her approach to fill some of our most challenging vacancies. I would describe her as a warm and open personality that has a talent for listening to people. I would recommend working with her any time."
Jacqueline de Werker - Schep
Senior In-house Recruiter at Emakina
"I've gotten to know Marlies as a professional who knows the IT market very well. She knows how you can find the best candidates for the most challenging vacancies. A combination of knowledge of this market, personality and creativity is what makes her approach successful."
Hugo van Zelm van Eldik 
Recruitment & Labour Marketing Communication Lead NN Group & Nationale-Nederlanden The Netherlands
"I worked with Marlies to get to my next big opportunity at Emakina NL, a new job as a technical lead. 
This was a complex move, which includes a relocation from abroad, a remote recruitment process with remote interviews. Marlies's help was invaluable. Professional but also personal, she made sure everything worked perfectly for me, passing bidirectional feedbacks, keeping both me and relevant people at the company always informed, communicating at any hour, on every step. Knowing how busy she is, she managed to keep the communication very personal, and always with a smile. 
She did a great job: in the end, I got the position, and gained Marlies as a rockstar contact. Everybody wins. I am sure she will keep making wonders and magic wherever she turns."
Alon Rotem
Tech Lead at Emakina
"I really enjoyed working with Marlies. I been in touch with many recruiters, as well for filling vacancies in my team as for searching for a new challenge myself. Marlies really stands out on both of these subjects. Where a lot of recruiters offer you a load of opportunities, Marlies will provide a real solution!
Marlies is enthusiastic, reliable, empathetic and knows her business. I gladly recommend her services."
Dennis van der Stelt 
Software Engineer at Particular Software, public speaker, owner of Compile Software
"Marlies is an expert recruiter in IT industry without doubt. She helped me from the first interview to the end of hiring process. She was very knowledgeable about the job and the company I was interviewed by. She provided all necessary details what I should expect from each step during the hiring process. I would always recommend working with Marlies."
Yaşar Sazak
Senior Software Developer at Emakina
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